Welcoming note

 The Alternative Route

With the advent of modern technology, and increasing research towards nutrition and medicine there has been attempts to bridge the gap between medical science, nutrition, herbal medicine since the late 80s. The results was promising.
The sarcastic notion "If this works then why the hospital does not use it?" is one of the things I've encountered too many times as a CAM practitioner.. of which the mostly due to their ignorance on the matter (we cant expect everyone to be in the know of everything in health sciences but at least to keep the mindset open towards knowledge so as to make informed choices).
Another ignorant statement is "there is no alternative medicine, if it works its called medicine" To this, we answer .. for some treatment modality to be made mainstream it depends on the receptivity of the "powers that be". Some form of therapy esp Osteopathy may be more accepted in US than in Singapore and vice versa for some other types of treatment. Not being mainstream does not invalidate the field of studies altogether.
For those considering undergoing therapy and care under CAM. The right attitude is to be both openminded and broad minded. Remember that both camps has its rendition of truths..if you get hit by a car, a CAM doctor like me cant help you.. you need A&E. You will have to put knowledge in its right place.

What is Osteopathy

Osteopathy is a type of alternative medicine that emphasizes physical manipulation of the body's muscle tissue and bones.

it is based on the principle that the wellbeing of an individual depends on their bones, muscles,ligaments and connective tissue functioning smoothly together. Practitioners of osteopathy are referred to as osteopaths.

Osteopathic manipulation techniques or OMT is the core set of techniques in osteopathy. The osteopath and their omt counterparts will use techniques such as massage to work tension from the muscles to promote relaxation. They'll stretch out stiff joints, and use short, sharp movements (known as high-velocity thrusts) to the spine, which produce the “cracking” noise similar to clicking your knuckles.

OMT treatment also uses a technique called manipulation in which a quick movement is put through a joint (commonly a spinal joint) and this is done in such a way as to produce a ‘cavitation’ or clicking noise (although the presence or absence of a noise is not actually relevant to the success of the technique)

This approach uses high velocity forces (aka 'thrust technique') to restore motion to a joint to reduce or eliminate the signs of tissue changes, asymmetry, restricted movement and tenderness.

When you come to an OMT trained Doctor or Therapist a few techniques are put into consideration as deemed fit according to the complain by the patient.

1. Soft tissue technique: This approach applies pressure to the muscle area around the spine. It consists of rhythmic stretching, deep pressure, and traction. Devices and Instrument may come into play.

2. Muscle energy technique: With this technique, the patient is directed to use his or her muscles from a precise position and in a specific direction against a counterforce applied by the doctor.

3. Thrust technique: This approach uses high velocity forces to restore motion to a joint to reduce or eliminate the signs of tissue changes, asymmetry, restricted movement and tenderness. This is the "cracking" technique of manipulation.

4. Counterstrain technique: During this approach, the patient is moved away from a position where motion is restricted to one of greater comfort. This technique is good for an acute injury.

5. Nutritional Support : the deployment of Supplement and nutritional advice to help the patient reach their healing at the quickest way possible.

6. Cranial Osteopathy : Cranial osteopathy is a form of osteopathic therapy. The technique involves gently applying pressure along the head and spine to release pressure.

7. PNF Stretching and Muscle Energy

8. Balanced Ligamentous Tendon

Osteopaths are able to offer effective treatment for hand and wrist conditions there are restrictions to their abilities for treatments. For instance active infections, fractures, bone disease, cancer, gross structural deformities and severe or medical conditions such as abnormally high blood pressure or heart attack are conditions which require more allopathic medical intervention whereas for the management of chronic conditions (of the above mentioned) on the long term, nutritional therapy via the route of supplements and diet. This is where the combination of Naturopathy and Osteopathy in our operational blueprint has proved to be effective in many areas.

Results of treatments can depend upon several factors. The most significant factor is the previous state of health of the individual as well as the severity and duration of the current problem. It should be understood that treatments from an osteopath aren’t a cure-all but rather a potential solution to some of their problems that have been imprinted individually by the traumas of their lives.

What is Naturopathy

Naturopathy is a system of alternative medicine based on the theory that diseases can be successfully treated or prevented without the use of drugs, by techniques such as control of diet, exercise, herbal medicine and massage.

"Studies of other treatments, such as reflexology and naturopathy, also describe different types of talking and listening that are dependent on the underlying theory."

Human health have evolved in such a way that it is no longer possible to treat or manage the underlying conditions via foods alone. 

Simply said, we are alternative doctors who as opposed to prescribing medicine, we provide nutritional, orthomolecular prescription. 

The 5 founding principles of Naturopathy are:
1. Primum non nocere - Do no harm
2. Tolle Totum -Treat the whole person
3. Tolle causem - Find the real cause of the disease
4. Vis medicatrix Naturae - Heal through the healing power of nature
5. Docere - Teach patients how to achieve optimal health

And remember you are doing this for yourself! do not be moved easily. Sometimes, not only people are untrained, they also tend to have a bad habit of giving input without the right relevant knowledge. Worst still the trade they are in is not even related albeit also in healthcare (Healthcare is a wide field of study).. nevertheless, we hope to help you in anyway we can with regards to your well being... we welcome you with open hands. Feel free to contact us for any queries.
