Is Osteopathy the same as Chiropractic?

Although similar in the eyes of the laymen, the major difference between an Osteopath and a Chiropractor is that, the Chiropractor is primarily focused on the spine, joints and the muscles, an Osteopath is concerned with the rest of the body. Both are somewhat useful in their own merit.

Osteopaths use physical manipulation, stretching and soft tissue work with the aim of:

·         Increasing the mobility of joints
·         Relieving muscle tension
·         Reducing pain
·         Enhancing the blood supply to tissues
·         Helping the body to heal

More will be covered on this in the future post where I will post an excerpt from the British Journal in comparison vis-a-vis.  Osteopathy in the US is accepted as a medical doctor equivalent with the same rigourous training with residency 'walking all the nine yards'. While non-US DO or Osteopathic training just focuses on Manual Therapy at a higher level. 

Osteopathy in Singapore

A Non-US D.O. Osteopaths may use a range of techniques to treat musculo skeletal issues, but not medicines or surgery (unlike our U.S. counterpart). In Singapore, it is still considered as an Alternative Medicine and therefore is outside of the medical juristiction.  

In practice, our background as a Naturopathic Doctor (Aust Reg.) with basic training in Spinal Manipulation Therapy has allowed us to be able to deepen our knowledge in Osteopathy later on (as Post Graduate study). Locally, we are registered under Society of Natural Health Therapists (SONAHT).  Work is still in progress to set up an association for Osteopathic Manual Therapist and Osteopaths.        
