What happens during a one to one nutritional consult for non musculo skeletal issues.

Basically we will sit down, discuss and try to uncover any underlying issues that can should addressed. Some type of health issues  can be addressed  directly while some will need more time and thus, we will have to look at underlying issues that could have contributed to this condition. It is a no rush-rush consultation. Everything will be viewed holistically. Photo u see below here  is a unique case of "chest pain" that has gotten the patient being reffered to many dept around esp Cardiaologist and even a Psychiatrist. Which of course was unfortunate and counter productive (but probably necessary to rule out any dangers). Fortunately he was helped by virtue of diet, spot on supplementation and OMT session to release the tenseness caused by the Gerd.. and yes Gerd causes anxiety too so the patient needs to relax.

As a Naturopath and Osteopath I see patients with a different perspective. Not everything can be solved in the same way. Things are never what it seems superficially. Taking supplements for management of chronic diseases need expertise.
