Body Detox Herbs Can Do Wonder in Your Lives

It is a fact that some pesticides, chemicals, and certain fumes are present in the environment that is affecting your immune system and jeopardizing your health. Moreover, the foods that you eat can lead to a toxic atmosphere lowering your overall immunity. Toxic load is the condition of tissues and cells where internal terrain is developed after food consumption of highly processed foods.  Your body needs to be cleansed from these unwanted toxins. The process is called detoxification.

Although you have the kidney and liver which are organs considered as natural detoxifiers filtering out the impurities of the bodies, you need to consider other ways to detoxify your body from toxins. Some of the methods can be extreme like long fasting from juice drinks or dialysis. 

Take note, your immune system is the defense mechanism of your body. So, disease and infections should be prevented before it affects your whole body through toxin’s removal. As you could observe, the illness’ frequency of a person is dependent on the immune’s system strength which is composed of complex networks of nodes and lymph channels. 

There are detox herbs that are beneficial in making your immune system strong. These herbs are the perfect and natural way of removing toxins from your immune systems to minimize acquired illnesses and to develop your general well-being. 

Several herbs for detoxifying are much better for improving your immune systems than others. However, there are specific considerations for the detoxification program that you choose. But the following detox herbs can be used according to your needs. 

- Psyllium seeds promote healthy bowel movement generally maintaining its good condition. It could be used in helping bowel related problems like diarrhea. This herb is good because it has an absorption property similar to a sponge where it helps in removing the toxins inside your body. 

- Cascara Sagrada is generally a good natural laxative flushing the toxins out of your system. It also helps in strengthening your colon and other related muscles. This herb is used together with psyllium seeds. 

- Milk thistle is also a very valuable substance used often to simulate the protein synthesis in the liver. It is used effectively in soaking different types of toxins found in drugs and alcohols that can damage your body. 

But then again, All these herbs mentioned above can actually be very difficult to be found if you are residing at some places. In my own private practice, I utilised compounded herbal supplement to aid me in my quest to get patients to be at their best of health. Two of which that I personally recommend is HLSPAN and SEAWISE by Dways Intl where the formulations are generally safe for many cases of ailments and conditions and also the fact that compounded products is always better because in today's day and age where treatment by natural medicine standalone herbs can be quite complex.  

SEAWISE it is further fortified with Fucoidan which is very useful to fight cancer. 


Anyway HL-Span is a powerful anti-oxidant blend designed to combat aging in multi-faceted ways. It helps to protect telomeres in an effort to promote healthy aging.

Key Features in HL-SPAN:

- Repair and biogenesis of mitochondria.

- Helps the body combat free radicals.

- Boost Immunity

Readers who are interested can contact me for details of this product.  


Seawise is a nutraceutical blend with essential fatty acids  (EPA/DHA) synergistically combined to reduce inflammation, boost immunity and reduce the ravaging effects of ageing.

Key Features:

- Anti Ageing
- Reduce inflammation
- Boost Immunity
- Neuro and Cardio protection

Box of 60 Vegetarian Capsules  

I'm not saying that this can cure you from cancer, but I am re-iterating the fact that this can be something that you might want to consider as an adjunct therapy. But also, please note that Im not saying it as a Dways consultant but as a clinician who have seen how it works.  Interested Individuals can drop me a message at :

