We need to address Posture

The way we hold our body is a result of how we adapt to our surroundings. Each person has a unique posture that characterizes their physical structure. Posture can be either good or bad, with no middle ground. Good posture means effortless and smooth movements, balanced alignment against gravity, and optimal muscle use while Bad posture is linked to abnormal movement patterns, poor balance, and misaligned body position.

Compensation is a major contributing factor to poor posture. The human body has the ability to adapt and compensate for minor injuries, which can cause individuals to overlook the potential impact on their health. When an injury occurs in a particular area, the body stabilizes the affected part and relies on surrounding tissues to carry out the necessary movement or action. However, over time, this compensation can have a negative effect on the body's kinetic chain and overall movement. As a result, certain injuries, while capable of self-healing, can become disabling if not addressed correctly or in a timely manner.
