Role of Osteopathy in Singapore's greying population.

Osteopathy is a modality of musculoskeletal structural treatment that takes a holistic view of the body, rather than relying solely on medicine and nutrition to treat illnesses. This health-oriented, patient-centered approach differs from conventional medicine in terms of how it treats structural health. Although osteopaths has existed in Singapore since the 1980s, osteopathy is not yet a popular treatment amongst Singaporeans due to it being relatively new in the health industry.

However, osteopathy has so much more to offer. Its viewpoint towards patient management and treatment encompasses crucial areas of health, and is based on sound concepts.

The concept of health according to osteopathy is based on four foundations:
• The human being as a dynamic unit of function
• The self-regulatory mechanism of the human body
• The interrelatedness of structure and function
• And lastly rational treatment based on these principles
And although osteopathy is similar to other types of musculo-skeletal treatment, the differentiating factor is on the basis of how the technique is applied and on what grounds is the application necessary. Osteopaths (or other health practitioners who are trained in Manual Osteopathy at the least) are known to be very prudent in their approach towards managing the patient
In my thesis last year, I outlined how low back pain will pose a potential problem to Singaporeans in the near future. While I did not include other aspects of musculoskeletal issues, low back pain alone is significant enough to warrant attention. Judging from the pattern and trends that I see in the clinic, failing to embark on proactive care could result in a significant amount of time and resources spent on seeking treatment. Osteopathic practitioners will therefore be able to help Singapore in dealing with these issues as we transition into a greying population.

* Diagram courtesy of "Foundations of osteopathic Medicine - Anthony Chila - Lippincot Williams & Wilkins"
* Picture by John W. Edwards. Taken at Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic. April 2022.
