Systems Approach vs Symptomatic Approach.

 The systems approach and the symptomatic approach represent different perspectives in healthcare, guiding how medical professionals identify, analyze, and address health-related issues. Unfortunately we are more familiar with the latter than the former as it is more mainstream so to speak. Systems approach to management of disease also requires time and effort/discipline to impact the internal milleu of the patient.

Systems Approach can be described as:
Holistic Perspective: The systems approach takes a holistic view of the body, considering it as an interconnected system of organs, tissues, and functions. It recognizes that the health of one part of the body is influenced by and influences the health of other parts.
Root Cause Analysis: In a systems approach, the focus is on identifying and addressing the root causes of health issues rather than solely treating symptoms. Practitioners aim to understand how various factors, such as lifestyle, genetics, environment, and emotional well-being, contribute to a person's overall health.
Preventive Care: There is an emphasis on preventive measures to maintain overall health and prevent the development of diseases. Lifestyle modifications, nutritional interventions, and stress management may be integral components of a systems-based approach.
Individualized Care: Treatment plans are often tailored to the individual, considering their unique characteristics, circumstances, and health goals. When it comes to prescribing nutraceticals
it is much easier to stay on the safe side due to the lesser chance of side effects. (any substance that is a food or part of a food that provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease)
Symptomatic Approach:
Focuses on Symptoms: The symptomatic approach addresses specific symptoms or manifestations of a health issue. It aims to alleviate or manage the visible signs of an illness without necessarily exploring the underlying causes.
Immediate Relief: The primary goal is often to provide quick relief from discomfort or distressing symptoms. Medications, procedures, or therapies are commonly used to target specific symptoms.
Specialized Care: Symptomatic treatment may involve specialists who focus on specific organ systems or conditions. This approach is efficient for acute situations and may involve a narrower scope of interventions.
Limited to Disease Management: While effective for managing symptoms, the symptomatic approach may sometimes fall short in addressing the broader aspects of health, such as preventive care and overall well-being.
At times people who are not in the industry are quick to jump on the efficacy of the Symptomatic approach as they might not be sufficiently trained or have no access to the literature, journals and studies on Systems Approach. To date only a few medical doctors adopt the Systems Approach towards the treatment to patients. (Everything will have its time and place there is no right or wrong in a sense). Nevertheless, I emphasize in my past talks that most conditions and diseases will have the nutritional angle when it comes to treatment. Naturopaths are not much into looking at the symptoms per se (as how they are trained). Will share more of this in the near future to raise awareness on what are the OTHER options available.
The diagram below is simple to understand but not easy to educate the laymen because of them being used to understanding their chronic diseases in a superficial understanding.
